Warning: Undefined variable $title in /home/inter/domains/interordi.com/public_html/ip/index.php on line 17
"There's no place quite like"

Your IP address is:
Warning: Undefined variable $user_ip in /home/inter/domains/interordi.com/public_html/ip/index.php on line 22

If you want to host some sort of communication, such as an online game or webcam session, this is the address that you must give to someone else who needs to connect to your computer. Some of the software, who gives you that information directly, will report a wrong address if you are behind a router or firewall. Getting your IP address from a website such as this one ensures it's validity.

Other tools

Result: The DNS data returned for the IP address $_GET[ip] is $dns.

"; if (isset($_GET['get_ip'])) echo "

Result: The IP address returned for the DNS data $_GET[dns] is $ip.

"; ?>

Convert IP → DNS

Enter an IP address below in the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
format in order to get the matching DNS data.

Convert DNS → IP

Enter a DNS data below to get the matching IP address.